A hydroponic fodder production unit was installed in the campus of LALL at Redua, Jagatsinghpur on 23/01/2020. The dimension of the structure was 8’ X 8’ X 8’ which are carved out of PVC pipe and was a four-tier system with capacity of 48 trays having provision of 6 trays daily in 8 days rotation. It is covered with Agri-net and fitted with a micro-sprinkler system. The structure was built up by funding of LALL, under the technical supervision of Keshab kumar Mohapatra by the request of Secretary LALL.
The structure was fitted and connected to the micro-sprinkler system for required irrigation, humidity, and maintenance of temperature. The seed was shown in the plastic trays after shocking in the water for 24 hours and putting in the gunny bags for another 24 hours. After 8 days the fast production started, and production continued thereafter.
The production of hydroponic maize fodder production was calculated from the record and physical verification. 1 kg maize seed was producing green fodder 8.2 kg to 8.9 kg and the average production was 8.5 kg.
The impact of the feeding of hydroponic fodder reviewed as per record and field visit. The result has been obtained for different parameters. The fodder has been given to the ten MPCS members @3kg per animal and the impact was studied. There is an increase in milk production, fat and SNF content of the milk also increased, and ultimately the farmers getting higher value per liter of milk.
The hydroponic fodder production has a good impact on milk production and financial gain to the cattle owners. If it can be provided to more number of cattle owners of the state the income per family will be increased and people will get nutritious food by the way of good quality of milk and ultimately it can contribute to the dairy farmer livelihood and hence the GDP of our nation.